• Life Aboard

So This Is What A Panic Attack Is?

Is this a panic attack? In Miami International Airport I sat at Gate 24 questioning whether or not I could…

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Sailing Disaster – 50 knot gusts, shredded mainsail & snapped steering chain

We left the island of St Lucia in the Caribbean heading north for Antigua - a 27 hour/180-mile passage. Unfortunately,…

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Avoiding Ship Collisions Video

One of the scarier things about navigating by sailboat is dealing with cargo ships and cruise liners. As you'll see…

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Avoiding Ship Collisions

Did you know that there are several steps you can take to ensure that you’re not bulldozed over by a…

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How To Tie Onto A Cleat

One of the first things you'll learn when becoming a sailor is how to tie onto a cleat. Like most…

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How To Make Your Boat Shine

Here's how to make your boat shine - we demonstrate the best way to make your metalwork sparkle, remove rust…

  • Life Aboard

Hauling Out For An Emergency Repair

From time to time we break things, or things break on the boat, that just can't be fixed while in…

  • How To's

How To Fix A Leaky Mast

Boats leak from a variety of places, the mast being one of them. In this video, Simon will demonstrate how…

  • Britican Experiences
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  • Passage Planning

Overnight Sailing Trip

One of the initial worries that new sailing cruisers have is tackling their first overnight sailing trip. Our recommendation is…

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What Tools To Have On My Boat?

We often get asked by aspiring sailing cruisers, 'What tools to have on my boat?' One of our guests wanted…

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