Britican Beef Kebobs

Right before visiting the ancient archaeological site of Delphi (read: Visiting Delphi – We made it to the center of the ancient World), we joined up with our American friends Jim and Carole aboard sailboat Nepenthe (Read: Couple sets off for a 3 year around the world sailing trip – 15 years later they’re still going!)

And then Jim and Carole introduced us to Vince and Barbie, the American owners of sailboat Horizons. Ironically, we all met the week before July 4th and were able to organize a last-minute 4th of July party outside the east side of the Corinth Canal (Read: Travelling through the Corinthian Canal during a Gale Force 8)

For a couple weeks all three boats sailed around together. During that time, Vince and Barbie had three guests – their niece, Lalita, her daughter, Seaira, and a family friend, Cylinda. My daughter, Sienna hit it off with Seaira and the two played as often as we could get them together. One day, Seaira sailed with us and my cousin Loryn (presenter in the below video) threw a water balloon at Horizons – can you believe it landed right on the table in the cockpit and soaked everyone?

We had a great time sailing around with Nepenthe and Horizon…and we were able to video Sienna and Seaira making Kebobs!

Britican Beef Kebobs Video

Email me for the full recipe:

Being able to make kebobs on a boat is a great treat. Whether you have an outside grill or cook them up in the oven, everyone will enjoy them. You can use chicken or shrimp instead of beef and make sure to use up any left over vegetables in the fridge. They can be served with fried potatoes and a tossed salad. And  go here to see all the recipes we have thus far for our Britican Galley Beef Blend (a link to my online store will open over this window!)

Kim Brown:
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