A Big Thank You

Thanks so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I can’t tell you how much Simon, Sienna and I appreciate your donation 🙂 All the proceeds from our sailing guide sales, nautical gifts and Patreon patrons go towards allowing us to continue to create valuable and educational sailing articles and videos. The costs of hosting, camera equipment, email services, internet connections (in remote places) and on and on is no small amount. And the time involved in making videos is extensive.

Trying to life the sailing lifestyle and record our experiences, learning lessons and adventures to pass them onto you is no small feat.

Special offer for fast-track email response here…

As a special thank you to readers/subscribers that provide us with donations, we’ve created a very non-technical system to fast track email enquiries.

As I write this it’s taking me around three to four weeks to email people back. Around 10 to 30 emails come in every day with questions about sailing/boats/lifestyle/etc, people interested in joining us as crew (yes – we often take volunteer crew members!), requests to have an introduction to my recommended five start boat broker and invites to meet us.

I love to read and respond to all my emails…and I eventually do. It’s just not necessarily quick anymore ;(

If you’d like to get in touch with us (and receive a timely response!) please send me an email with the subject of, ‘I bought you a drink’ and email me on Kim@SailingBritican.com OR…if you’ve already emailed me and haven’t heard back, use the same subject but indicated that you’ve already written.

If we’re on a long passage or haven’t found an Internet connection (after arriving after a long passage) I obviously won’t be able to get back to you immediately. If I am, however, on or near land and have wifi I will write you (or call if you leave your phone number) as soon as possible.

And if your donation was made with no strings attached, we again thank you!


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