Are you toying with the idea of living the sailing life but not sure if it’s worth the effort? Do you worry that it might not be all it’s cracked up to be? Are you afraid that once you get the boat and start sailing there will be an initial high but like everything else[Read More]
In this article and video, we cover multimeter basics for boaters. A multimeter is the most important tool to have on board when it comes to your electrical systems. Used to check voltage, a multimeter performs resistance and continuity tests, and troubleshoot basic electrical issues, just to name a few applications. The tool can seem[Read More]
Life after lockdown as a sailing cruiser in Grenada feels almost normal. If you have a boat or are about to get one you could be living quite a wonderful life if you can get to this southern Caribbean country. The airport has yet to open and cruise ships can’t come in. The only way[Read More]
Are you interested in how to increase the lifespan of your batteries? If you’re a boater, you should be. Replacing your boat batteries is also a huge cost, to the tune of thousands of dollars, depending on what type of batteries you decide to purchase. Though the performance of your batteries will naturally and normally[Read More]
Do you know how to manage your boat battery bank? Do you know what your boat battery bank levels normally are at different points during the day? Are you confident that your monitors are giving you the right readings? Once you’re comfortable with the batteries you have on your boat, it’s critical to gauge normal[Read More]
As a boat owner, it’s imperative to first educate yourself on what type of marine boat batteries you have and what condition they’re in. Next, you’ll want to learn how to take care of your batteries so they last as long a possible. This is part one of a three-part video and article series all[Read More]
How are you doing with understanding your boat’s electrical systems? This is the first of a series of videos and articles where we’ll be exploring the basics of boating electrical systems. This is so that you can be in control which means that you’ll have a safer boat, save money, and easily troubleshoot common problems.[Read More]
A lot of our readers are wondering if the sailing cruising life is really for them. Is living in a marina on a sailboat for them? Is anchoring in a beautiful bay for them? And what about cruising from one destination to the next? Getting a boat, learning how to sail, maintaining a bunch of foreign[Read More]
How do sailing families celebrate birthdays? Let me back up…Some of our viewers are waiting for their children to leave the nest before they head out to sea. Others don’t want to wait – the kids are going to have to come! And many that are making plans to live on a boat will eventually[Read More]
Since 2016 we’ve had CopperCoat problems. With two failed CopperCoat antifoul applications and two touch-up jobs, we thought there was no hope. In a last-ditch effort to find a resolution, the head of CopperCoat UK flew to Grenada. He came to oversee one final antifoul application. If one of the owners of CopperCoat wasn’t able[Read More]