What’s a typical week like for blue water sailing cruisers who share their lifestyle with those that want to live the life? There’s never a dull moment, that’s for sure. Blue water sailing cruisers are people that sail blue water sailboats. A blue water boat is a type of sailboat that is designed and equipped[Read More]
A special interview! Our nine-year-old daughter, Sienna, interviews two boat kids about what it’s like to be kids living on a boat. She asks questions about what it was like for them to cross the Atlantic Ocean, what’s homeschooling like on a boat, what scares them and whether or not living on a boat is[Read More]
In this living on a sailboat Q&A video, we answer questions about what we can’t live without, what’s the deal with insurance and hurricane cover, do you need a license for your dinghy, what permits or licenses do you need to have to operate a boat, what’s the deal with electricity, how hard is it[Read More]
The plan was to have a nice relaxing 250+ mile sail from St Martin down to Grenada. No drama. No storms. No issues. A first was we were going to sail from St Martin to St Kitts, a short sail, and then do an overnight passage to St Lucia. The rest of the voyages would[Read More]
While sailing from South Carolina down to Trinidad we tried to publish a video every week. For the most part, we accomplished our goal however we fell further and further behind. By the time we published our last ‘travel-log’ style video, we were five months behind our real time. To catch up to where we[Read More]
A feathering propeller needs to be serviced at least once a year. To do a full service the boat needs to be out of the water. Watch the video and then check out the 7 steps to servicing a feathering propeller (checklist) below.
Throughout the year we take volunteer crew members to sail with us on Britican for an extended period – usually six weeks to two months. The crew member pays for his/her flights to and from our location and we cover the cost of food and housing. Chiara is our latest guest – watch her amazing[Read More]
Here’s the scoop on our solar power installation on a sailboat – Sailboat Britican. We are five years into our liveaboard lifestyle and we still cannot say we are experts about the power systems on our boat. But it has been enough time for us to determine that a solar power installation was in need.[Read More]