Are dog’s good sailors? Do many liveaboard cruisers go sailing with a dog on board? What’s it like sailing with man’s best friend? These are all questions I get asked often. Many singles, couples, and families are interested in taking a year out to go sailing or hitting the sea indefinitely, but what about Fido? In[Read More]
Learn how to install outboard stabilizer fins to your outboard motor. Why? Stabilizer fins increase stability, allow for better gas mileage (average of 40%), help the dinghy to quickly plane at lower RPM, increase top-end speed and keep the bow lower at all speeds. (Video at the bottom of article) The only reason I can[Read More]
Our Charleston, South Carolina Meet & Greet event last weekend was a fantastic event. We had around 30 people join us to talk about sailing/sailing lifestyle at the Charleston Harbor Resort Reel Bar. There were many interesting sailing questions answered. Overall, however, what made the event special is that everyone mixed easily and effortlessly. There was[Read More]
After sailing 18,500 miles around the Mediterranean, crossing the Atlantic Ocean, sailing up the Caribbean and landing in Charleston, South Carolina for about a year it’s finally time to for our family of three to cast off once again! But not before dealing with US Cruising Permit issues. Our original plan was to leave Charleston[Read More]
Learning how to make port screens for your boat port windows isn’t difficult. Keeping mosquitoes outside is a necessity for sailing cruisers. After getting bitten alive, I decided to come up with a way to keep the little buggers out. The first line of defense for boaters wanting to avoid bug bites is to ensure that[Read More]
A checklist to help boaters to better protect and organize their clothes, towels, sheets. Here are eight storage organization options and seven tips for using vacuum storage bags. Grab yourself a variety pack of Ziploc Space Bags or similar vacuum suction bags (click on the image to view on Amazon). These bags are fantastic. They will[Read More]
Readers of the blog often send us questions and a popular one is, ‘What are your top life lessons learned from sailing?’ Within this article and video, Simon and I discuss five biggies after our first 18,500 miles of sailing. Watch the video and then for more information and stories read the below article.[Read More]
What’s the best dinghy anchor? To determine the best dinghy anchor we tested three variations: the folding grapnel anchor, the claw and the Mantus anchor (deemed ‘the best dinghy anchor’). Allow me show you a picture of each anchor, explain why a sailboat owner would need an anchor for their dinghy, and the results of our[Read More]
What makes someone want to say ‘screw it, I’m trading my life in for a sail around the world?’ In the following video you’ll hear what made my husband and I decided to quite our ‘normal’ life, leave our financially secure set-up and head out into the unknown. If we can do it, so can[Read More]