Over the past couple years we’ve experienced two main issues concerning our Gebo portlight window knobs. One issue is frustrating and the other is potentially a serious problem. This article and accompanying video explains the issues and demonstrates how to effectively fix them. Watch the video immediately below and for further explanation, read below for[Read More]
My husband, Simon, and I spent over ten years dreaming about the type of boat we’d get and what we wanted to do with it. Our plan was to win the lottery, buy a new Oyster 56’ or Oyster 62’ Yacht (type of sailboat made in England) and sail around the world. In preparation for[Read More]
This marks our first contact with both Bennett Brothers and CopperCoat Antifoul. Unfortunately, it was our first of two major CopperCoat Antifoul failure. September 2016 – Our First Failed Application by Bennett Brothers in Wilmington, North Carolina. You’ll benefit by watching this video: By seeing how to get to Bennett Brothers on the Cape Fear[Read More]
Before I get to the part about how we’re living on a boat in Charleston South Carolina, USA, let me first give you a bit of background on how we got there… My shoulders are tight. There’s a knot in my neck so my side-to-side head motion is painful. When surveying the rest of my[Read More]
After checking weather reports, studying the tides, and filling the boat with water and diesel, Simon, Sienna and I slipped lines saying goodbye to Hyatt’s Pier 66 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Exiting the marina was far easier than entering it. We pulled out of our slip, made a tight right and then another tight right,[Read More]
For our first full day after leaving the paradise of Hogsty Reef, sailing to Fort Lauderdale, we had our normal routine. The adults drank a lovely cup of coffee, Sienna had her Lucky Charms, we had fantastic discussions about the state of the world and we cleaned up the cockpit and boat. Before 11 am[Read More]
Our trip from Provo, Caicos to Hogsty Reef was okay. After we left my stomach didn’t feel too well – probably from all the fried pub food we had the day before! On top of having a sickly tummy the swell and the angle of the wind caused me to feel green (again). Note: This[Read More]
After thoroughly enjoying Grand Turk we decided to leave the island at night to arrive in Provo, Caicos the following morning. Rather than spend the evening sleeping we thought it made more sense to travel at night so as to have more time to explore our next stop. (If you haven’t read Part 1 of[Read More]
It will be three weeks since hubby, my daughter and I arrived at our USA base-camp for the summer/fall. Having to sail out of the Caribbean hurricane zone for safety and insurance purposes we chose America for a variety of reasons. The most important of them was to visit family Several years ago my brother[Read More]
Sailing to Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Our sailing to Grand Turk trip from Puerto Rico was relatively uneventful. A Carnival Cruise ship passed us early on and we saw a few cargo ships but otherwise, there was very little wild or human life as far as the eye could see. If you want to read all[Read More]