How’s this sound – a great week of sailing, some heavy weather (45 mph winds), fast speeds (hit over 9.5 knots) in addition to seeing some incredible sights – white beaches, friendly turtles, dark orange sunsets, speedy pelicans and deep blue waters. Oh yeah…let’s throw in some water in the bilge so there’s a little shot of adrenaline added in. And then add some great food – lobster, a turkey roast (for T-day), chicken with a lovely peanut sauce, and of course, let’s not leave out the tacos.
Life without tacos just isn’t good living, is it?!
Our Britican Experience guest, Paul, our crewmember, Douwe, and Sim, Sienna & I made some magical memories.
After a couple decided to cancel their Britican Experience at the last minute, Paul answered an email I sent out via my newsletter asking if someone wanted to take the spot. I asked, ‘how spontaneous are you?’ Sometimes, no – not sometimes…I have to say ‘all the time‘ the Universe works in amazing ways.
Things happen for a reason. One door shuts and another opens. Wooohooooo. We’re all thankful that we had the opportunity to spend a week getting to know Paul. It was a blast. Watch the video and find out if my definition of ‘blast’ matches yours…
Caribbean Sailing Experience Video
Read About Other Guests Here
- A Long Passage – Guests that wanted to know if they could handle a long passage and night sailing amongst other objectives.
- How To Get Real Sailing Experience – A couple where one was ready to start a sailing lifestyle but the other wasn’t sure. Soon after they joined us they boat a boat!
- Caribbean Sailing Experience – A lovely guy that just wanted to experience true liveaboard life – warts and all.
- First Time Sailing – A woman and her children that had never sailed before but wondered if they could cope sailing on a sailboat.
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Very nice video. Paul was absolutely delighted. Figures… 🙂 Plus, what does Sienna do when there’s high wind and the ship keeling? Sledging on the sofa pillow, of course! :)) Adorable!