Catamarans versus Monohulls

In this three part video series about catamarans versus monohulls, Simon and Len discuss a variety of factors. They include, elements concerning livability such as, stability, size, fluidity, outside space, storage, getting on/off, and getting an anchor spot.

In part two, the pair discuss usability factors including docking, anchoring, mooring balls, and visibility. They also cover sailing comfort, speed, setting/trimming, and safety.

In the final part of Catamarans versus monohulls, the guys discuss redundancy, lightening, sailing in rough weather, aesthetics, costs, and their final conclusion.

Catamarans versus Monohulls Part 1

Catamarans vs Monohulls Part 2

Cats versus Monos Part 3

As Clear as Mud?

Making a choice between a catamaran and a monohull is not straightforward. Cost is a massive consideration and the overall look and feel weighs heavy too. Cats are great for being at anchor and not so fun sailing. Mono’s provide an excellent sailing experience but can be less stable at anchor.

If you’re not sure which one is right for you, apply to sail on Len’s cat and Simon’s mono – for a weeklong experience you can live and feel the difference and determine, once and for all, which boat is best for you!

Apply now on our Britican Experience page. 

Where are Simon and Len Sailing?

This cats versus monos video was recorded while Simon, Len, and three other guys sailed Britican from St Martin in the Caribbean to the east coast of America. Are you interested in what the voyage was like? Check it out here:

Any questions or comments for Simon or Len?

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