Chicken Blend Recipes

Below are some of the recipes we use for Britcan Galley’s Chicken Blend – print the recipe and try it out yourself! Or if you’re feeling like ‘winging it’, just sprinkle some of the chicken blend over fried or grilled chicken, throw it into a chicken soup or mix it into your favorite chicken salad recipe.

All the recipes include the ingredients to make your own Chicken Blend, however, if you want to save space and just purchase the blend rather than having loads of herb and spice jars, please visit my online store.

Chicken Blend Recipes

Chicken, Artichokes and Olives

Souper Chicken Noodle Soup

The Best Sailing Snack for a Long Cruise – Yummy Pockets

This first recipe is Chicken, Artichoke and Olives. My cousin prepared this while we were sailing through the Greek Ionian Islands (featured above). For at least 1 -2 weeks we looked for artichokes in every supermarket we could find. Eventually, we gave up and went without them. In the end, the dish was excellent. We had it over couscous one night and then the following day, we dumped in the left over couscous, gave it a good stir and enjoyed it again. Yum

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The second recipe is a basic chicken soup recipe. No matter what season it is or where I am in the world, chicken soup makes me fee like I’m home with my mom. All our blends have been created by her so when I use them, especially the chicken blend, I feel as if my mom is in the kitchen cooking us up something healthy. Enjoy!

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The Best Sailing Snack for a Long Cruise – Yummy Pockets

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