What’s the difference between sailing in Greece versus Italy? Read below to determine the pros and cons of both and decide for yourself which sailing destination is best for you.
From my original experiences, Greece had it all – the islands, yummy food, great anchorages, amazing views, a variety of villages, history, and more.
When we started sailing our own boat, I had the attitude of, ‘why go anywhere other than Greece – it’s perfect!’
For over fifteen years, we enjoyed flotilla holidays in Greece, and in Britican we sailed around almost every region of Greece. We started in the Ionian, went through the Corinth Canal, around Athens, down to Kos and Symi (visiting many islands on our way down), over to Crete, up to Santorini and then stopped at a variety of places as we made our way around the Peloponnese back to the Ionian.

Britican anchored below Taormina, Sicily outside of Giardina Naxos
Greece is the mecca of the sailing world – isn’t it?
But then my husband, daughter and I spent over eight months living/sailing around Sicily and the bottom part of Italy and my perspective changed.
Greece and Italy are both great sailing destinations but they’re different – very different.

This is what all the Greek shops look like – the same ‘made in China’ stuff. Who buys those slippers?!
Greece is great but the country is set up to cater to tourism.
Of course, that’s not a bad thing, but after spending month after month getting the same Greek plates, offered the same t-shirts (just the name of the island changes) and the same kind of service your experiences start to merge together.
Italy is more authentic. Rather than rely on tourism (or making people happy with souvenirs and novelty food) Italy is a working country. It’s not set up to make me happy…it is what it is and I can take it or leave it.

The view of Bali on the island of Crete, Greece – it’s beautiful!
Here’s Why Greece Is Awesome
1. It’s cheap
The inexpensive moorings (€10/night on a town key and that’s if they can be bothered to collect the money). And of course, it’s free to use a mooring buoy or anchor.
2. Sailing distances can be as short or as long as you want
Short distances between destinations. A one-hour motor could often get you to a totally new island!
3. There are massive amounts of choice
Greece has it all…beaches, cities, towns, ruins, ruins, and more ruins. If you’re on a tour of history, Greece can easily keep you busy for several years! Furthermore, there are so many quiet bays, tranquil moorings, and picturesque fishing villages. Each night you could be somewhere new and thoroughly enjoy the backdrop.
4. No language barrier
Greece thrives on tourism so it’s very uncommon to come across a Greek that doesn’t know some English. And almost every restaurant you visit on the cost has menus in both Green and English.
5. Good food
I won’t say great food but at times it can be great – in fact, I’ve had outstanding food. More times than not, however, Greek food can be ‘okay.’ The Greeks tend to cook everything a few hours longer than it needs to be cooked, but as long as you don’t have your heart seat on medium-rare meat or slightly crunchy cooked vegetables you’ll be fine.
6. Groceries are easy to get
Everywhere you go there’s at least a small grocery shop and in the larger towns, you’ll find an AB Grocery store where you can get all sorts of items including Chinese, Mexican, and Indian curry mixes. A few years ago that would have never been the case.
7. The water is clean
Some bays are not great due to high traffic – perhaps it’s the tour boats that dirty the water. And Athens is disgusting… Overall, however, the water in Greece is wonderful to swim in. I’ve only seen an occasional jellyfish and for the most part, the Greek waterways are unpolluted.
8. Other boaters are usually helpful, kind and courteous
Of course, you get the odd jerk in a bay that doesn’t leave enough chain out, yells in a foreign language, and likes to walk around in his birthday suit, but I just file that experience under ‘entertainment.’ Overall, most boaters are just like you and me – we all have a love for sailing and that creates an instant bond.
The only slight issue I have under the ‘other boaters’ category is that there are high concentrations of flotillas (groups of sailors on holiday for a week or two chartering boats – especially in the Ionian). We started off chartering and it’s a great way to get into sailing. The issue I have with flotillas, however, is that they can fill up a bay. We’ve had our plans set to go into X bay and because it was filled with a whole flotilla we’ve had to divert.
9. The Greek people are lovely
Anyone that’s ever been to Greece will have loads of stories about how Greeks went out of their way to help. If you ask for directions, you’ll be taken, almost by hand, to the location you’re looking for. If you want to buy something but are unsure as to whether it will work or not, the Greeks will tell you, ‘don’t pay for this now – take it back to your boat and if it works, come back and pay me.’

Santorini Greece – definitely the most beautiful of all the Greek Islands.
If you’ve never been to Greece before, I highly suggest the region
If you’re new to sailing, the Ionian Islands are a perfect place to start – there are short or long sails, it’s easy to anchor or moor to a town quay and there are many other beginners (and salty sea dogs!) there to share stories with. The Aegean is lovely too…it’s a bit windier and the islands are more spread out.
However, if you’ve sailed around Greece year after year and have a niggle that it’s perhaps time to try a new sailing destination, I highly (and I mean very highly) suggest that you give Sicily/Italy a go – in fact, if you’re bringing your boat from Greece, I’d suggest a trip from Corfu over to the bottom area of the boat in Italy and then anywhere in Sicily.
You’ve got the Aeolian Islands in the North (with live erupting volcanoes), an east coast of variety, history and breathtaking views, and a south region showcasing rural, authentic, traditional Italy.

Stromboli – Active volcano located above Sicily and below mainland Italy
Let me compare Greece with Italy/Sicily
1. It’s not cheap
Even the mooring buoys can cost you €50+ and the marinas are ridiculous in the summer. We were quoted around €200/night for Riposto Marina (at the base of Mount Etna). HOWEVER, anchoring is free and there are several excellent, safe spots to stay for the night or several days. Furthermore, food and shopping items are very inexpensive.
2. Sailing distances are longer than you’d find in Greece
However, when you get to a destination there’s so much to see that you’d want to stay longer and explore the land more. In Greece, boaters tend to anchor, enjoy a meal at a tavern, go for a swim, and then the next day they move on. Sailing around Italy provides a different kind of exploration – with all the ancient Greek and Roman ruins you’re spoiled for choice.
And the cities are incredible – the whole east side of Sicily is baroque – after an earthquake (I think in the 1600s) the area was rebuilt and WOW is the architecture incredible. In Syracusa you could spend a day seeing the ruins, another couple days exploring Ortygia (the island off of the city), and yet another day provisioning at all the grocery stores.
There’s even a creek you can take your dinghy up and explore Sicily’s countryside by boat! Just read my article, Taormina Bay in Sicily – An anchorage that has it all! to get a good example of all the variety.
3. There are massive amounts of choice
Italy has it all to…but the ‘all’ I’m talking about is different. The food is amazing, the history is incredible, and there are beaches that stretch for miles and miles. The towns and cities have so much character – there are shops selling local produce, handmade goods and unlike Greece where many shops sell ‘made in China,’ souvenirs in Italy you’ll find items made in Italy.
Furthermore, you can get anything in Italy – there are Ikea’s, large grocery stores, massive hardware stores, and great chandleries. For me, Greece seems too touristy at times. Everywhere you go, the shops all sell the same things.
4. Well…I can’t say that there is no language barrier in Italy
More often than not, Italians can’t speak English (and why should they!?). That being said, I’ve never had an issue getting what I want. In the butchers I just point, in the market, I just hold out my coins. It works. Yes, it can be a bit scary when you’re coming into a port and the attendants can’t speak a word of English or when you’re trying to get somewhere and the person you ask rattles off foreign instructions but I’ve realized that it’s okay.
If you can’t understand the other person, you smile, shrug your shoulders and laugh. In the past, I was so afraid of not understanding someone or not being understood…now that I’ve spent over 8 months in Italy over the past 1 ½ years I’m totally relaxed with language barriers! In fact, they’re not really barriers at all – they’re opportunities to communicate in a different way.
5. Outstanding food
As you would expect, Italy is AMAZING when it comes to food. Especially in Sicily, you still get fresh vegetables and meats that are sourced within a few miles of the restaurant or market. Nothing is genetically modified…the livestock roams free. The fish have two eyes rather than three (joke). Everything is fresh, good quality, and downright amazing.
The markets offer fresh mozzarella, ricotta that is still warm, hanging provolone, and loads of cured meats like salami, parma ham, and on and on. Tomatoes taste like tomatoes should taste like! Everything is full of flavor and depth. (I’ve heard from others about the food on mainland Italy and the reviews don’t seem to be as good as Sicily. I think Sicily is a little gem that still offers true authentic real food…)
6. Groceries are easy to get
I find that Sicily is less open to different cuisines like Mexican, Chinese, and India so it’s hard to find any curry pastes or mixes. That being noted, I have discovered tiny Asian shops from time to time. You have to know where to go but in almost every city and large town, I’ve found an ethnic shop.
7. The water is not very clean
Unfortunately, I’ve noticed more trash floating around Italy than any other country. Some of the bays you anchor in, you’d think twice about taking a dip. For example, the mooring area outside Syracusa is filthy – when I see people swimming in Syracusa bay, I think they’re nuts.
The bay below Taormina along Giardini Naxos has good times and bad depending on the current – when the current is in, the rubbish seems to take the stuff away. When the water is quiet, you just don’t want to see what’s in the water (so sad!). The south coast, however, was very clear and the Aeolian Islands were surrounded by pristine waters. I suppose it’s like any country – some areas are good and some are not so good.
8. Other boaters are fantastic
After spending six months in Marina di Ragusa (south coast of Sicily) for the winter, we made friends with over 20 different nationalities. I’ve written at great length about our stay in Sicily. It has been a monument time for me. Read: Marina di Ragusa Sicily Marina Review – Winter Season
9. The Italians are amazing people
During our visits to Italy/Sicily, we’ve made amazing friends. One, in particular, was an admiral for the Italian navy (and a helicopter pilot). We’ve become such good friends that he’s joined us for months at a time sailing around Italy and Greece. Read this: Visiting Sicily – it’s one door before you get to heaven to hear more about the Admiral and the other amazing Italian friends we’ve made.

The beach along Giardini Naxos, Sicily.
So, there you have it – a comparison/contrast between sailing Greece and Sicily/Italy
In the end, they’re both great sailing destinations.
For me, the ideal plan to make while sailing around the Med would be to spend the summer in Greece and the Spring and/or Fall in Sicily…and I’d definitely choose Sicily (Marina di Ragusa, in particular) to stay for the winter. Greece is miserable in the winter – Sicily gets better weather and there’s much more to see in the small area 🙂
Check Out Some Other Areas In Sicily & The Mediterranian
If you’d like a good summary of our time in Sicily, read Visiting Sicily. And if you’d like a breakdown of all the places we’ve visited while sailing the Mediterranean please read our destination overview: Sailing The Mediterranean. Otherwise, check out more posts about our time spent in Sicily.
Great comparison! I think each of them have something amazing to show. Somehow I prefer Italy, maybe because I have visited it often than Greece, but I am going to Corfu in September and simply cannot wait!
I know it’s a while ago now, but I just came across this article – what did you think of Corfu versus Sicily? We are going for a week (charter) in August and trying to decide between Corfu and the Aeolian Islands of Sicily.
That’s a tough one. They are both absolutely amazing. If I was forced to decided I would pick Sicily but that’s because I like Italian food a bit more than Greek food. You won’t be disappointed with either. Kim
Some great pictures here! There are some good points here – of course, I think the Mediterranean in general is just a great place to sail. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here!
Yes Jordan – I agree. The Med is definitely a great place to sail. I’m sad that we’ll be leaving it this winter 🙁
Kim, thanks for your comparisson Greece and Italy
On the spot !
But wish you will spend more time in southern Corsica and northern Sardinia.
This area is gorgeous.
Happy Sailing
Aylin & Goran
Great to hear from you Aylin & Goran – we’re on our way to Sardinia and Corsica now so watch this space 🙂 Thank you for your comments 🙂
We regularly go to Italy because we have family there. Every time we go we get hit with scam and it costs us money or inconvenience. Once we had our rental car ‘stolen’ (another scam – as it was amazingly recovered the same day by the rental company) and that cost us Eur2500. I would not go anywhere near Italy through choice, although it is beautiful. Travellers beware!
Never had a problem in Greece.
Hi, friend.
If you came to the ionian coast of Calabria , between Le Castella and Badolato and Roccella Ionica you will not have any of that problems.
It’s 4 years I’m living there and I’m from north of Italy. I guarrantee you that.
Interesting article Kim and bound to generate a bit of debate! We love Italy and definitely prefer it from a travel perspective. But I still think Greece is the superior sailing destination simply because there is such a vast choice of anchorages and such clean watet. When you get off the beaten track in Greece you can find many places unspoiled by tourism and where no one speaks a word of English. Also, although I don’t agree with all of Paul’s comments, it’s true that petty theft is a big problem in Italy while rare in Greece. Never mind, they are both fabulous places to sail!
I agree with you Bonnie! Smiles, Kim
Excellent article. I bought my yacht in Greece and sailed in the Peloponnese region for the first season. I was then persuaded by my brother to bring my yacht to Rome (Ostia) as he was living and working there. I love Italy, its history, culture and people and he would be in a position to look after / sail the boat in my absence. Having taken out a long term mooring in Ostia marina, (not cheap) I then had to pay in excess of 70 euro when I sailed into another marina and there are no short trips of an hour or so as in Greece. I didn’t think this was economically viable!!! The water is commercially dirty on the west coast around Rome and polluted with rubbish. Having arrived in June I made the decision to return to Greece and set off on my return journey in October that same year. We have now spent three further seasons in Greece and have only covered a very small part of the country. This season we will be heading up to the Ionian from Kilada so it is with interest that I will be reading your other articles as I have only so far spent the odd day in Kefalonia and Zakinthos when sailing my old yacht back to the UK and my new one back out to Greece.
Thank you for the comments Paul. Isn’t it such a shame about the water around Italy? And the prices of marina’s too! It goes to show you the difference between a country open to tourism (and almost dependent on it – Greece) and a country that probably should be interested in tourism, but is not – Italy. We sailed all around Greece…and I mean all around! Make sure to read the Greece section of my list of places we went to in the Med (https://sailingbritican.com/sailing-in-the-mediterranean/). I think you’ll really enjoy Crete when you get over that way… All of Greece is amazing, but I really enjoy the places that are less touristy. Thanks again for commenting and have a GREAT sailing year 😉
Hi, I just came across this and I’m Greek-Italian so it was nice to see the journey you’ve taken sailing throughout the two countries. I would like to make a few observations. Grace is definitely not miserable in the winter it’s quite gorgeous actually again depending on where you go and there’s so much to see in such a small country. Also in regards to handmade and local goods you really will see so much of that if you don’t go to the typical touristy spots (i.e. I tell everyone to avoid Santorini unless they have their heart set on seeing it. It’s beautiful but there are other islands just as beautiful near by with less tourists such as Anafi, Folegandros) and also the way that you mentioned spending days in Italy to explore there’s really so much to explore in Greece if you don’t just go from bay to bay. Enjoy the rest of your journeys;)
Thank you for sharing your viewpoint. Both Greece and Italy are amazing places – if I had to choose between the two it would be impossible. I love them both so much! Smiles, Kim
Sardinia is just amazing. Yes its pricey but at the end of the day its really beautiful with crystal clear water. It’s a diving and sailing paradise. For more affordable options you can always sail to Carloforte or other destinations. I have been in Greece a few times its very nice but nowhere close to the ‘expensive’ north of Sardinia.