Using Checklists To Avoid Boating Fails

You’re About To Learn The Secret Tool That Sailing Cruisers Use To Drastically Reduce Their Boat Problems

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Hi, I’m Simon Brown. Since 2014 my wife, daughter, and I have racked up over 30,000 nautical miles sailing the Mediterranian, Atlantic Ocean, USA, and the Caribbean on our 56′ Oyster named Britican.

I’ve learned that boat life is much better when a proactive approach is taken. Being proactive will help you to save money, avoid huge headaches, and bypass unnecessary disasters.

I want to give you access to the one thing that has made our boating life transform from being great to outstanding. Imagine having less stress, spending way less money, and freeing up time to just sit back and reap the rewards of boat life?

I know that you’ve worked hard to get to where you are. Now it’s time to head out and sail into the sunset. It’s time to enjoy all of your hard work. It’s definitely not the time to experience engine failure, water rushing into your bilges, failed rigging, steering issues, or serious safety calamities. 

Many new boat owners spend thousands of dollars getting the perfect boat with all the perfect kit yet fail to understand what is truly required to keep the boat operating optimally. Having your dream come true only to sit in a marina while work is being done is probably not what you envisioned as being a part of ‘living the life.’

That’s why I want to give you my boat problems prevention tool – you’ll ultimately become more organized, have a proactive mindset, get things done quicker/more efficiently, have more clarity, easily delegate, potentially save lives, and continually improve.

Just enter your name and email above and I’ll send you the download and access to a few videos so that you can really gain an insight into how we maintain our incredible sailing lifestyle. 

You may be wondering what’s the catch? The reason for this offer is to get the word out that we help couples and families who want to transition into the sailing lifestyle gain the skills, knowledge, experience, and confidence to make the sailing cruising dream a reality.

We do this by offering educational guides, phone coaching, and 7, 10, and 12-day experiential sailing adventures in the Caribbean. We invite guests onto our boat and show them exactly what the cruising lifestyle is like – warts and all. It’s a very special opportunity to try the sailing lifestyle before buying into it. 

I’m hoping that you’ll see the value in our boat problem prevention tool and perhaps want to see what else we have to offer.

This offer will not be available indefinitely. Please enter your name and email above and I’ll send you an email with a download and access to our videos. 

Simon Brown – Captain, Sailing Britican

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