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How Can I Crew on Britican?

A question we get asked often is 'How can I crew on Britican?' Since 2015 we've taken volunteer crew for…

  • Britican Experiences
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How Do I Get Sailing Experience?

One of the biggest questions we get asked is, 'How do I get sailing experience?' Aside from joining a sailing…

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Learn to Sail – Tacking

Guests join Britican to learn a wide variety of skills and gain real-life cruiser experience. Learn to sail - tacking…

  • Britican Experiences
  • Life Aboard
  • Passage Planning

Sailing Experience in Open Ocean

Over the years we've grown to offer more than week-long sailing cruiser lifesetyle experiences. In addition to providing guests with…

  • Britican Experiences
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The Reality of Long Passage Sailing

After a weather window opened, Captain Simon and five crew left Hampton, Virginia, and sailed to Bermuda. The reality of…

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  • Britican Experiences
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Pre Sailing Passage Preparation Video

Before heading out into the open ocean we do a variety of tasks to prepare ourselves and Britican. In this…

  • Life Aboard
  • Kids On A Boat
  • The Journey
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Sailing Family Separate

Things feel very official now - sailing family separate. Two days ago Simon and I went to the boat and…

  • The Journey

Life After Being A Sailing Cruiser?

For the first few years of our cruising life, I periodically wrote journal updates. The updates offered an insight into…

  • Getting Started
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5 Reasons to Attend a Boat Show

Aside from wanting to buy a boat, why do people go to shows? In this video, Simon outlines 5 reasons…

  • Buying A Boat
  • Getting Started
  • How To's
  • Videos

What Experience Do I Need To Be A Sailing Cruiser?

One of the biggest questions we get asked is, 'What experience do I need to be a sailing cruiser?' The…

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