If you think the job to replace a boat hatch seal is easy, think again. What looks like a one to two-hour job turned into a six-hour frustrating drama with multiple trips to a workshop and boat store. But we made mistakes. Watch this ten-minute video to avoid the stumbling blocks we ran into so[Read More]
If you had to perform a rescue at sea would you know what to do? Would your partner, guests, family, or friends sailing with you know what to do? In this video, we explain and show you a recent REAL Man Overboard that we experienced. While we were sailing a mile or so off the[Read More]
Living on a boat in a marina has numerous benefits. Read on to discover 13 reasons why living on a boat in a marina is better than living in a house on land. And if you’re a boat owner, get my Checklists for Sailors guide in my shop (or buy on Amazon.com) – it will make[Read More]
Within this article, you’ll learn how to create sailing checklists to avoid failure. What kind of failure?! Engine failure, passage planning mistakes, safety screw-ups, cleanliness disasters, to name a few. Checklists to consider creating include sailing prepassage checklist, sailing predeparture checklist, checklist for getting underway, and standard operating procedures. Checklists will help you to become[Read More]
It might surprise you to learn that how to prevent boat fails comes down to several critical pieces of paper. The secret weapon boaters use to combat engine issues, leaks, rigging failures, and everyday boat problems is the mighty checklist. If you’ve used checklists in your previous professional or home life, using them on your[Read More]
Discover what boat life under lockdown in Grenada is like. We managed to get out in a car after being in the marina complex for two months. We were eager to see if any life was going on outside our small little reality. As I write this, Grenada is still under a state of emergency[Read More]
Throughout the world, every country and even individual states are handling the Coronavirus outbreak in different ways. Discover what life under lockdown on a boat is like. In some cases, it’s better and in others, it’s not so great. Watch the video and then read more below for further details. Life Under Lockdown On A[Read More]
The theme this week on Sailing Britican started out about doing things for the first time. Our video that goes with this article showcases a guest who joined Britican for a week. It was her first time ever sailing. While writing this article, the concept of doing things for the first time, however, has morphed into[Read More]
What is buddy boating? Buddy boating involves two or more cruising sailboats traveling together, particularly for longer or more challenging passages. This could mean loose coordination of plans for a few days or weeks or more structured travel nearby. We’ve always found our boat buddies on the go. We’ll enter an anchorage, share a beverage with the[Read More]
A buddy boat is when you find a friend or family that lives on a boat to buddy up with. Many boaters make friendships in anchorages and some decided to do passages together. In some cases, a couple or group of boats might even sail the whole season together heading from, say, the Bahamas to[Read More]