A gelcoat repair on a boat can be inexpensive and easy. Here you’ll find step-by-step instructions and a video on how to use a gelcoat repair kit to make a nick, scratch or chip disappear. Gelcoat Repair Kit Instructions Clean the damaged area using acetone to eliminate dirt, grease and wax. Make sure to avoid[Read More]
What’s it like to sail around the world with a child or children? What happens with education? What’s the scoop with voyaging with kids? When we tell someone that we’re in the process of sailing around the world, the person often has many questions. When we tell someone that we have a six-year-old daughter there’s[Read More]
Getting seasick is horrible. I know because I’m a sufferer. Even after living and cruising full-time on a sailboat since 2014, I still have episodes where I turn green and have to use some seasick remedies. Below is everything I’ve ever tried and given to crew members afflicted with the debilitating issue. The best thing[Read More]
Questions & Answers: How we sold up and sailed away. What sequence of events caused us to sell all our possessions and buy a yacht to sail around the world in? Watch the video. How we sold up and sailed away – Video Selling up and sailing away certainly isn’t for someone with a medium[Read More]
When leaving your boat for the short-term, perhaps for a couple days to a couple weeks, there are a variety of tasks to complete. A leaving boat checklist will certainly come in handy as there’s quite a few things you wouldn’t want to miss! Check out what Simon and I do when we leave Britican[Read More]
PRESS RELEASE: The owners of Sailing Britican have started a new YouTube video series called, ‘Sailing Questions Answered,’ with the pilot video kicking off with the question, ‘How did we get into Sailing?’ The new series has been designed to provide followers with… …a more in-depth look at the sailing liveaboard and cruising lifestyle Previous[Read More]
With plans to sail to more remote places it was time to determine how to clean boat water tank. Neither my husband, Simon, nor I knew how to clean a boat water tank but we knew that we’d eventually want fresh clean water coming from it! The first step we took was to locate access[Read More]
There are three key items to making or buying long-lasting boat pillows! 1. First of all, you’ll want to buy material that is durable. The atmosphere both inside and outside a boat requires strong, long-lasting, UV resistant, mold resistant, easy-to-clean material. On the easy-to-clean side of things, you’ll want pillow covers rather than full pillows. With[Read More]
Previously on SailingBritican.com…I wrote about how we landed in Charleston, South Carolina after sailing 18,500 miles around the Mediterranean, crossing the Atlantic Ocean and sailing up the Caribbean and up to the States. (Read ‘Living on a boat in Charleston, North Carolina – USA‘ for more background) Our decision to make a long-term stop during[Read More]
What is the best way to get a fantastic tasting coffee while living or sailing on a boat? How can you ensure that when you’re anchored off a beautiful tropical island, your coffee cravings are not left wanting? The answer – learn how to use a stovetop espresso maker! (Video at bottom of the post) Without a[Read More]