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Background on Sailing Britican

Kim Harkola Brown, joint-owner of Britican, was born in Rochester, New York in 1974 and moved to England in 1998. One year later, she married her British prince, Simon Brown, and after thinking for a very long time about children, they produced a beautiful daughter named Sienna Maddison Brown in 2010.

SailingBritcan started as an idea over 15 years ago when Kim Brown and her new husband discussed their dreams of sailing around the world. For the first 10 years their discussions revolved around buying a very specific Yacht – an Oyster. And 5 years back the name ‘Britican’ was created while on vacation. Simon asked, ‘What will we name our yacht when we get her?’ They played with various words and thought a combination of British and American might work. Little did they know that it was a proper term.

Britican is defined in the Urban Dictionary as: a language/accent blending british and american together as one- like a sandwich. BRITish + amerICAN = BRITICAN

After 15 years, the dream became a reality when the Brown’s purchased a 56′ Oyster Yacht and named her Britican.

About Kim Brown – Quick Version

Driven and highly ambitious, Kim Brown rose through the ranks of business in American and later in the UK by attaining various senior roles. When she made it to the top, her next move was to start her own company. In 2004, she connected with a partner and created, Smart Currency Exchange Ltd, a very successful foreign currency specialist and in 2005, The Overseas Guides Company Ltd, an educational service helping overseas property buyers.

After 8 years of steady growth and financial success, Kim felt lost, disillusioned, and burnt-out. She didn’t know who she was or why she was doing what she was doing anymore. The birth of her daughter caused a substantial change in perspective. The one thing that Kim did know is that if she didn’t get out of the ‘rat race’ she wasn’t going to last much longer. Kim was fortunately able to cash out, received enough money to buy her Oyster and the rest is yet to come. Her ambition is to prove that you can serve people (and create an income) that truly supports who you are and what you enjoy.

Kim has opened a store that caters to women in a sailing environment. New items are added monthly. Visit the store here: Sailing Britican Shop

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Kim Brown
Sailing outside Fiscardo, Cephalonia, Greece

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