Rescue At Sea

If you had to perform a rescue at sea would you know what to do? Would your partner, guests, family, or friends sailing with you know what to do? In this video, we explain and show you a recent REAL Man Overboard that we experienced. While we were sailing a mile or so off the coast of Grenada we came across two men floating, about to drown actually, and we were able to save them. We also had new guests on board. It was a crazy situation!

When you’re out sailing will you be prepared to save a casualty?

When we set sail in 2013 we created checklists and broadcast templates to help us with the VHF Radio. The templates included a MAYDAY, Pan-Pan, Securite template to name a few. The templates start off with a checklist on what to do with the VHF followed by a script on the exact words to say – including our MMSI number and call sign. Those checklists sat in our Navigation Station drawer for all these years never used.

But, boy, did they come in hand recently!

In addition to knowing what to do with our VHF during a rescue at sea, we also practice Man Overboard drills. We throw a fender overboard and do our preferred (quick and easy) MOB procedure to make sure we can quickly recover the fender. When we have new guests onboard we go through our VHF procedure and our Man Overboard procedure before heading out to sea.

On this particular occasion, we had a new Britican Experience family join us – it was their very first day and their very first sail on Britican when the rescue happened. Watch the video to get the full story.

Rescue At Sea Video

Make Sure Your SAFE Before Heading Out To Sea!

Watch our Boat Safety Blueprint Video and get a copy of our Boat Safety Audit checklist. Request access here: Boat Safety Blueprint & Audit

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Kim Brown:
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