When I set off on our sailing adventure over seven years ago I asked myself, ‘who will you become once you’re a sailor?’ I wondered what kind of person I would have to become to live the sailing life. Knowing it was going to change me, I was hoping that the journey would help me[Read More]
Sitting in a bay anchored in Sardinia Italy feeling low
With any kind of lifestyle there are ebbs and flows, highs and lows, exciting times and boring times. Living full time on a sailboat and cruising around the world is no different. Currently, as I write this, I’m feeling a bit low and lost. Based on everything I’ve learned and experienced, these down-days come and[Read More]
There’s no ‘I’ in team, but there is a ‘Me’ – Lessons learned while sailing around the world
Every once in while I have an epiphany or a new way to see my world Usually it’s sparked by an inner niggle that grows, a book that makes me reflect on life differently than before, a comment that someone makes or an experience that knocks me (not necessarily for the worse). A few days[Read More]