What do you need to know regarding night sailing? Aside from understanding how to sail and plan passages, you’ll need to be able to accurately read the weather forecast to determine the best time to leave. Assuming you have those basics down, what else is involved in night sailing? Let’s assume you’ve been sailing for[Read More]
Pre Sailing Passage Preparation Video
Before heading out into the open ocean we do a variety of tasks to prepare ourselves and Britican. In this pre sailing passage preparation video, you’ll discover what we did prior to sailing from Hampton, Virginia across the Atlantic Ocean, to Bermuda. The voyage to Bermuda is estimated to take around 100 hours and around[Read More]
Sailing Cruisers – Stocking the Boat?
Stocking the boat – what to bring versus what to leave behind? When embarking on a new lifestyle adventure like the sailing cruising life it’s vital to ensure that your expectations are set accurately. If they’re set too high disappointment becomes a concern and set too low, opportunities can be missed. Most aspiring cruisers read[Read More]
Long Sailing Passage Preparation Checklist
In this Long Sailing Passage Preparation Checklist, you’ll find action items for safety and medical, communications, passage plans, provisioning, crew briefing/watch schedules/duties, and last-minute preparations. What is a long sailing passage? If you’re going in the open ocean and won’t be close to land I consider that a long passage even if it’s a few[Read More]
What Sailors Pay For Food
Here’s what sailors pay for food in eight different countries in Europe and the Caribbean/Central America. But before you watch the video, please allow me to introduce your hosts, Emily and Clark! Emily from Emily & Clark’s Adventure’s (check them out on YouTube here) got in touch with me a little over a month ago[Read More]
20 Tips For Provisioning For A Long Sailing Trip
Provisioning a boat can seem like one of the most overwhelming jobs when preparing for a long passage. There’s quite a bit of pressure on the person stocking the boat with enough food, water, and necessary ancillary products (think toilet paper) to survive.
What foods are best to have? What veggies will last a month and what won’t? What can and can’t be frozen? How can you make food prep, while under passage, fast and easy – especially when the seas are sloppy? And how can you ensure that all the passengers are fed and watered properly?
After your first week-long or month long passage you’ll surely be much wiser as to what to do and what not to do. Wouldn’t it be invaluable, however, to learn from those that have already done it? Wouldn’t it be less stressful if you could make that first passage a massive success rather than a mediocre learning experience? With the following 20 tips, you’ll certainly have a greater chance of enjoying provisioning success. Read on.
Provisioning Dry Goods And Freezer Inventory
Sometimes the best way to learn is to see exactly what someone else has done, take what you want, and then customize it to suit your needs. Before we crossed the Atlantic Ocean, and an 18-day passage from Gran Canaria to St Lucia, Caribbean, I created several inventory spreadsheets. These spreadsheets were created to help remind me, and our guests, as to what and where meals, dry goods, beverages, and paper goods were located. I called them my provisioning dry goods and freezer inventory spreadsheets.
Within the ‘Atlantic Crossing Dry Goods Inventory’, you’ll find a list of all the shelf-stable items I packed including canned goods, kinds of pasta, grains, jars, sauces, beverages, mixes and so forth in addition to the quantity and the place where I stored the goods.
On the ‘Atlantic Crossing Freezer Inventory’, you’ll discover what meals I pre-made in addition to all the other items I chose to freeze. This spreadsheet also has instructions as to how to cook some of the meals.
Furthermore, I’ve also included a document that you can use as a basis for a shopping list. It provides all the meal provision groupings to ensure you cover all bases. Download these spreadsheets and change according to your specific needs…
Questions Answered Living on a Sailboat
On on our new homepage video, we list the most common questions we get asked. They include: what do we do when we see pirates, what’s the best boat to go cruising in, how much does it cost to buy a boat/live the cruising life, how do we do our passage plans, what’s it like sailing in storms and sailing at night, what’s life like for a kid on a boat, how do we manage our provisioning and cooking, how do we run a blog/youtube channel/social media (and make money) from remote locations and how can we help you to convince your partner to go sailing. Get all these questions answered about liveaboard life below.
Time To Set Sail
There comes a point where you can’t do anymore and I’ve about hit that point. I’ve provisioned, pre-made meals to cook from frozen, have cleaned and stowed away anything and everything that I could possible fit. Space has been freed up by clearing out the old and bringing in the necessities. It’s time to set[Read More]
Preparing to sail away from America
I’m not sure when we’ll leave land? It could be in a few days or a week. It’s 2:50am and I woke with a spinning mind. There are many things to consider and complete. Buying food is top of my list. Once we get back into the Caribbean, cereal is over $10 a box, wine[Read More]