Yesterday I wrote a destination review on Bali, Crete ending my piece with a picture of the best ‘Greek Plate,’ I’ve had thus far during my 4 months of travelling through Greece. The plate included 2 meatballs, a stuffed eggplant and tomato in addition to some lovely roasted potatoes. After hundreds of ‘Greek Plates,’ this[Read More]
Pasta Sauce in Sicily – Britican Style
Could there be a better place than Sicily to make fresh pasta sauce? This morning when I (it’s Loryn here writing this!) was asking for ideas on what everyone would like to eat, it was inevitable that some sort of Italian dish would present itself. We needed to go to the grocery store and soon since[Read More]
Sailing around the world journey – one chapter ends and another starts (again, and again…)
Sailing around the world journey My life, since starting our around-the-world sailing adventure, seems to be playing out in very definitive chapters. Looking back, I have a chapter on saying ‘screw it to my life and trading it in for a new one,’ a chapter on how we managed to sell up and sail away[Read More]
Leaving the rat race to sail around the world…is enlightenment on the cards too?!
Leaving the rat race to sail around the world It’s 5:54 am and I’m sat in the cockpit of my sailboat. The roosters are crowing and there are a few dogs barking. There’s a low murmur of the crickets. I can hear waves hit the shore and the boat rattle slightly as the calm waters[Read More]
A couple sets off for a three-year world sailing trip – 15 amazing years later, they’re still going!
Who better to run into as we start our around-the-world sailing trip than world cruising veterans Jim and Carole aboard sailboat Nepenthe? After setting off on an early Oyster (late 80s) for a three-year around-the-world sailing trip in 1999, the inspirational pair are still gracing the sea due to their love of the lifestyle. When[Read More]
A lesson on using common sense rather than relying on a plotter
This story is somewhat embarrassing to admit but it demonstrates a very important lesson; with so much technology available today it’s easy to ignore the obvious! It also highlights that if a moron like me can set sail around the world, anyone can do it! First let me set the scene in regards to relying[Read More]
Never could I imagine this would happen on my adventures…
The following post is by crew member, Loryn Bennet…my amazing cousin. It will give you an idea as to what she’s experiencing while joining us on Britican. Most of the pictures were taken by my great friend and amazing photographer, Ene Stewart. Enjoy reading: What a great adventure we are on! Even though I was[Read More]
Living the dream of sailing around the world – what do I make of month one?
Photo by Eneka Stewart Photography It’s now been a full month since we left our homes on land and started living the dream of sailing aboard a 56’ yacht. My husband, 3-year-old daughter (almost 4 now!) and my cousin, Loryn, have travelled from Gibraltar to Malta, via Algeria and then onto Sicily. Since arriving in[Read More]