Herb & Spice Blends for Sailors

Introducing the Britican Galley Herb & Spice Blends for sailors.

Use one tablespoon in stocks, stews, soups, sauces. Sprinkle on meats, fish, poultry and pasta. Blend in marinades and salad dressings or butter and cheese spreads. Professionally blended to take the guesswork out of what herbs and spices go best with what dishes, 1 Tablespoon will turn a mediocre meal into a gourmet one. (Skip reading and go straight to buying – purchase some Britican Galley Herb & Spice Blends click link and a new window will open)

Here’s the reason why these herb and spice blends are a must for sailors:

  • The meals taste excellent! Instead of just making a bland meal, the Britican Galley herbs and spice blends help to add a great depth of flavor. The turn a mediocre meal into a gourmet one.
  • They take up very little space. Instead of having a limited range of several spices you can have a variety of blends that cover almost all types of meals.
  • The containers are plastic so there’s no risk of a glass breakage.
  • They stack easily.
  • Using the blends makes meal preparation faster (rather than try to measure out ¼ teaspoon of this and a ½ teaspoon of that, you just have to add 1 tablespoon of a blend and you’re done! Or, you can just sprinkle the amount you want right from the jar).
  • They’re healthy! Herbs and spices have a long history of providing numerous health benefits such as lowering blood pressure, easing digestion, and many more…
  • The blends have no salt, MSG, or any chemicals. They’re all 100% natural herbs and spices making them great for people, like us, that want to avoid nasties.

See the full range at here: Britican Galley Herb & Spice Blends (click link and a new window will open)

So…aside for being easy to store, the blends make food preparation easier, meals tastier and eating healthier!

And they’re not just for boaters or novice cooks like me.

Anyone interested in the benefits from herb and spice blends can use them – whether you’re in a home, trailer, camping or sailing. I and several people all over the world have used and enjoyed them.

In our shop, you’ll find six individual blends and one ‘gift package’ offering the complete set at a reduced price.

So, in our online shop, you’ll find the following six Britican Galley Blends:

–       Italian Blend

–       Greek Blend

–       Chicken Blend

–       Herbs de Provence

–       Beef Blend

–       Seafood Blend

–       And…the Britican Galley Gift Set holding all 6 blends

Visit the shop here: Britican Galley Herb & Spice Blends (click link and a new window will open)

But it’s not just blends that we’re offering!

In the Britican Galley section (menu item above), my family, guests and visitors have all helped to share recipes. Some of the recipes include the Britican Galley Herb & Spice Blends and others, like Carole’s Eggless Cake, the Admirals Bruschetta and Simon’s Spaghetti Carbonara do not.

We set up Britican’s Galley to provide you with recipes, video’s, stories, and an insight as to what’s cooking, and going on, aboard Britican. Whenever possible, I pull out my iPhone video camera and record any guests while cooking in our Kitchen. On some occasions I even record myself!

Thus far we’ve had my cousin, husband, an Italian Admiral, an ex-special forces guy, my daughters friends and a variety of others helping or bringing food to our galley.

To view the blends, visit the Britican Galley Herb & Spice Blends area and click on the blend of your choice. To view the recipes, scroll through our Britican Galley area of this website.

What’s the story behind these spices? Who makes them?

Here’s our galley and saloon. This is a stock photo of when the boat was brand new. I wish our boat looked this clean now!

What is cooking in Britican’s Galley? Well…it’s more than just food!

In October 2013 my husband and I decided to sell all our possessions and purchase an eleven year old sailboat. I was fed up with ‘normal’ life. I wasn’t happy in so many ways – I worked too much, I ate fast processed foods, my time with my, then, 3 year old daughter was limited and when I did spend time with her it wasn’t quality time. Furthermore, I felt as if my health was declining.

I lived on stress and I could feel it eating away at me

Once we made our decision to sell up and sail away, I took quite a bit of time thinking about the new life I was about to create. Aside from wanting to spend quality time with my family, I wanted to start eating healthy home cooked meals using local produce. I was fed up with eating tomatoes that didn’t taste like anything and I knew the processed foods were taking a toll on all of us.

Before leaving, I asked a nutritionist to meet with my husband, daughter and me (Read this Oh crap – Are we healthy enough to sail around the world?). I was embarrassed about how unhealthy we were and ashamed at myself for the foods I was giving my daughter (pizza, pasta, fish fingers, kid’s ready meals).

Immediately after our nutritional meeting and several months before setting sail, I set out to change the way we ate

I threw away sugar filled cereals, reduced the amount of bread and pasta we were eating and focused on eating meat, fish and vegetables. Both my husband and I went from take-aways, restaurant meals and ready meals to a much healthier diet.

I knew that we couldn’t sustain a processed food lifestyle while at sea nor did I want to!

As fate would have it, my cousin Loryn (pictured on the left above) decided to join us for the first several months of our adventure. Loryn not only loves to cook but she loves to eat homegrown and homemade food. In her hometown of Cassadaga, NY she has a substantial sized vegetable garden. When I told her about our diet change, she was eager to help us out. I sighed in relief.

Selling everything we own, purchasing a boat and dealing with all the courses we had to take (First Aid, Diesel engines, Freezers/Fridges/Air conditioning, VHF Radio, Sailing courses, etc.) in addition to getting my head around homeschooling was a heavy load.

With Loryn with us and helping out on the food side of things, I had one less thing to worry about!

Before Loryn flew over to join us on our adventure, I asked her to pick up some of my mom’s spice blends for the boat. My mom, Barb, has successfully sold herb and spice blends for the past 20 years. She sells them online and at Farmer’s Markets and food and wine exhibitions.

In the past, my grandmother, Loryn and I would all spend a weekend at exhibitions like the New York Food & Wine show helping my mom. The picture shows my Grandmother (no longer with us), my Mom and me at the NY State Wine and Food Festival several years ago.

Knowing that we had limited space on the boat, and my private supplies of mom’s blends were running low, I asked Loryn to bring 6 of my favorite blends over. I asked for Chicken Blend, Italian Blend, Beef Blend, Herbs de Provence Blend, Greek Blend and Seafood Blend.

Although my mom is the best cook I know, unfortunately, I didn’t take time to learn from the master. Other than knowing that rosemary goes good with lamb and oregano can be used in Italian dishes I have no clue what herbs and spices go with what dishes.

In the past, every time I attempted to cook from a recipe, I’d go out and buy all the necessary herbs and spices. Over time my cabinet was clogged with a wide range of spices I didn’t know how to use. Every few years, I went through and cleaned out all the barely used jars based on expiration dates.

When mom started her company I was saved!

Not only did I did I reduce the area needed in my spice cabinets but I finally didn’t have to worry about what herbs and spices went with what types of dishes. For example, to make chicken soup, all I have to do was throw in chicken, vegetables, some stock and 1 tablespoon of mom’s ‘Chicken Blend.’ Or, if I make a chicken casserole, or anything to do with chicken, I just sprinkle on my mom’s chicken blend.

Mom’s blends took the guesswork out of seasoning all my meals, but I didn’t realize the value of them until I gave up my habit of processed foods

I didn’t realize the value of them until I was more or less ‘forced’ to use them

Prior to leaving on our sailing adventure, I thought more and more about mom’s blends and realized that they’re absolutely perfect for sailboats! Furthermore, I thought they’d make an excellent addition to the shop so I’ve rebranded them Britican Galley Herb & Spice Blends. Please buy your selection here: Britican Galley Herb & Spice Blends

About the Sailing Britican Store
In 2013, Kim Brown and her husband Simon sold the company, house, car and all their possessions and said ‘screw-it’ to the rat race. They decided to instead go in search for an alternative life upon the seas. Their mission was to find more fulfillment in life, get back to nature, eat good food and truly enjoy family life. The Brown’s put their money into a sailboat, learned how to become homeschoolers and took their, at the time 3 ½ year old daughter, on what has already become a trip of a lifetime. The Brown’s have not retired. They, like most people need to make an income so the family is providing free educational information about selling up and sailing away in addition to sourcing and selling nautical items in their online shop. If you’re happy with the abundance of free information provided on SailingBritican.com and know someone that would value one of the items for sale in their shop, please support their cause! If one family can say no to the rat race, find more fulfillment and earn an income, perhaps many more can do the same.

Visit the Sailing Britican Shop.

Furthermore, you can find Sailing Britican on Patreon, a website created to help content creators reward fans in return for financial support. Follow the link below.

Kim Brown:

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