Our trip from Provo, Caicos to Hogsty Reef was okay. After we left my stomach didn’t feel too well – probably from all the fried pub food we had the day before! On top of having a sickly tummy the swell and the angle of the wind caused me to feel green (again). Note: This[Read More]
Part 3 of 7: Running aground in Provo Caicos (USVI to North Carolina Trip)
After thoroughly enjoying Grand Turk we decided to leave the island at night to arrive in Provo, Caicos the following morning. Rather than spend the evening sleeping we thought it made more sense to travel at night so as to have more time to explore our next stop. (If you haven’t read Part 1 of[Read More]
Part 2 of 7: Sailing to Grand Turk (USVI to North Carolina Trip)
Sailing to Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Our sailing to Grand Turk trip from Puerto Rico was relatively uneventful. A Carnival Cruise ship passed us early on and we saw a few cargo ships but otherwise, there was very little wild or human life as far as the eye could see. If you want to read all[Read More]
Part 1 of 7: Sailing from USVI to North Carolina: Puerto Rico
Before setting sail around the world I had this simplistic plan of following the warm weather to wherever it took us. Little did I know that working with the weather isn’t necessarily easy! Sure, there’s warm weather to be found but there’s also some pretty nasty weather at times. (Note: The video of our sail[Read More]
What was it like to race in the Oyster Antigua Regatta?
Last September we entered our first ever sailing regatta. And when I say ‘first ever,’ I mean it was not only the first time we raced our 56’ sailboat Britican, it was the first time we ever raced in a ‘real’ race. The only experience we had prior to the regatta was a few fun[Read More]
How to use Spartite to reseat your mast
If you told me a couple years ago I’d be writing an article on how to reseat a sailboat mast, or how to use Spartite, I would have said, ‘What’s reseating,’ ‘What’s Spartite,’ and ‘who’s mast are you talking about?!’ But let me back up. A couple weeks ago we left the Greek Ionian Islands[Read More]
Sailing with children – here’s what it’s like to be a 5-year-old living on a sailboat (VIDEO)
Here’s a mini-movie of what it’s like to be for a 5-year-old sailing around the world (sailing with children) – My daughter, Sienna, started sailing with us part time at the age of 9 months and then moved to full time at the age of 3 ½. Sienna just turned 5 years old in May. Watch[Read More]
Quick Release Knot for Tenders – Video Included
The quick release knot for tenders is a super cool knot that will impress friends, family and on-lookers Whenever I release the knot our guests or the people on the jetty make comments like, ‘Wow – that is a cool knot,’ or ‘Did you see that knot, it came loose with one pull!’ Thanks to[Read More]
The Best Sailing Snack for a Long Cruise – Yummy Pockets
When we sail for longer than 24 hours, I like to have lunches, dinners and snacks prepared in advance. Considering that I suffer from seasickness, I feel that it’s my duty to at least prepare good food for the journey. I’d love to be able to cook as we sail as it’s something to do,[Read More]
What happens when a boat undergoes a refit?
My husband and I borrowed a car and went into town to grab some groceries. We ran into another boat owner at the local Greek AB Grocery store. He asked us if we’d be moving on soon and we replied enthusiastically, ‘YES’! We’ve just finished a six-week period on the hard with our boat, Britican,[Read More]