How can you successfully start bluewater cruising? If you’re going to spend time, money, and emotional energy getting a boat and heading out to sea wouldn’t it be great to get an edge by learning some dos and don’ts? Becoming a bluewater cruising sailor is incredible. You’ll enjoy warm temperatures, look out at sandy beaches, tall[Read More]
What fears are causing you NOT to live the sailing dream?
Are you totally 100% up for living the sailing dream or do you have some niggles or fears that are causing you concern? Do you lay awake worried wondering how you’re going to make your plans a reality? Are you more specifically worried about health matters or what will happen if you get sick/injured – perhaps speculating worst case scenarios? Maybe you are thinking, ‘it’s a great idea to set sail but it won’t work for me because of ________’. It’s amazing how fears can cause us to put our life on hold or make it very uncomfortable.
Recently I had what seemed to be a serious medical scare. I appeared to be having a heart attack while anchored off a deserted island in the middle of nowhere. After a series of events (dinghy ride, ambulance, hospital stay, private plane ride, another ambulance, another hospital, another plane ride, another hospital), I discovered that my issue was minor and there were easy solutions to ensure good health. I’m now back on the boat and feel great.
But the question I want to explore is whether or not the experience has caused me to become more or less fearful about sailing around the world. And what lesson might you learn based on my experience? Read on…
Liveaboard Cruiser Insider – Julia Weeks from Prepare To Tack
How does one become liveaboard cruiser? What do they do with their land based stuff? How do they get a boat? What motivates them to do it? How do they fund it? What are the biggest lessons they’ve learned? What would they change? What’s their favorite memory? What recommendations to they have for you? Find out here!
Choosing a Marina (How to avoid ‘bad’ marina’s)
When sailing into a marina for a short stay there’s few considerations to make. When making a marina a full-time or long-term hub, however, there’s loads of variables to contemplate. Choosing a marina is not as simple as it might first appear to be. There are good and bad marina’s – read this to make sure[Read More]
Top 5 Lessons Life Lessons Learned from Sailing
Readers of the blog often send us questions and a popular one is, ‘What are your top life lessons learned from sailing?’ Within this article and video, Simon and I discuss five biggies after our first 18,500 miles of sailing. Watch the video and then for more information and stories read the below article.[Read More]
Guest Post: What is it like to sail on Britican?
The following post was written by Richard Abbott (pictured below) after spending two weeks sailing with us from Palma, Mallorca (Balearic Islands off of east coast of Spain) to Gibraltar and then onto Las Palmas, Gran Canaria (Islands off the east coast of Morocco, Africa). Discover the answer to ‘what is it like to sail[Read More]
Learning how to crochet (while sailing around the world) has destroyed my life!
Lately, I feel like I need to use every moment to the maximum If I’m not cleaning the boat, I’m cooking. If I’m not cooking, I’m making a grocery list or going grocery shopping (or simply trying to find a grocery store wherever we’re moored up)! If I’m not doing domestic chores, I’m writing an[Read More]
Briticans Captain Simon Brown – A Video Interview
Although I work hard to express the thoughts and feelings of my husband, Simon, the website is mainly based on my perspective. That being said, I’ve had various readers write me, send tweets and messages through Facebook asking if they could hear more from Simon. After asking several times I finally got Simon to[Read More]
Comradeship amongst sailors – the day our 56’ yacht was almost smashed to pieces
Comradeship amongst smokers When I was younger, I was convinced that being a smoker had benefits aside from the well-known chemical high. I haven’t officially smoked for years and I think it’s been over 3 years now since I’ve had a social smoke but I miss a particular aspect of smoking. I miss the friendships there[Read More]
Experiencing engine failure and living to tell the tale
This section of my website is dedicated to life aboard our sailboat. The issue I have, however, is that I don’t live on it yet. Hehehehe. However, let me tell you a tale of engine failure that I experience on our previous sailboat… Surviving engine failure on our 346 Moody Yacht while exiting one of[Read More]