Since 2016 we’ve had CopperCoat application problems. We thought there was no hope with two failed attempts and two touch-up jobs. In a last-ditch effort to find a resolution, the head of CopperCoat UK offered to do the application himself. We wanted to know if CopperCoat was the problem or if the application process caused the issues.
If one of the owners of CopperCoat wasn’t able to get it to work then we could blame the product manufacturer rather than the boatyard application attempts. Watch the video to get the full start-to-finish story.
CopperCoat Antifoul – What is it?
If you haven’t heard of CopperCoat yet, this is how the company explains its product: “Coppercoat is the most durable and long lasting anti-foul coating available. A single treatment of this water-based and VOC-free resin commonly provides a high level of fouling protection for a decade or more. By using Coppercoat, owners save the time and expense of the repainting associated with traditional anti-fouls.”
For full details on CopperCoat including instructions, case studies, and more visit: CopperCoat
CopperCoat Application Problems Video & Three Year Update
Here are the links to all our CopperCoat Problems Videos:
To get an overview of all our CopperCoat videos and articles please visit: CopperCoatAntifouling Review Otherwise, get more in-depth information below.
- September 2016 – Our First Failed Application by Bennett Brothers in Wilmington, North Carolina. Watch here: CopperCoat Antifoul Failure
- September 2017 – An Update On Our CopperCoat Results One Year Later. It didn’t work! Get the full CopperCoat antifouling review story, up to this point, by reading Our CopperCoat Antifoul Problems
- October 2017 – CopperCoat USA & Bennet Brothers Work To Rectify Our Issues. To see our boat hauled out in Charleston and the USA representative from CopperCoat inspect the hull, watch our sailing Vlog episode that covers our CopperCoat antifouling review entitled: Liveaboard Life
- July 2018 – Haul Out In Trinidad & Tobago – All The Patches Were Barnacle Free But the Rest of the Boat was Full of Barnacles! To view our haul out in Trinidad and get more information about the second failed application, watch the second video on our Trinidad & Tobago Destinations section entitled Haul Out Trinidad & Tobago.
- August 2019 – Evidence of our Failed Peake’s Boatyard Application and Attempted Sanding Touch-up in Antigua. And September 2019 – Arrangements for CopperCoat UK To Come To Grenada. You can see both the August and September 2019 videos here: CopperCoat Antifouling Solution
- November 2019 – Our Third & Final CopperCoat Antifoul Application by Mr. CopperCoat Himself. Watch here: CopperCoat Application
- June 2020 – The Results Of Our Third Full CopperCoat Application: CopperCoat Problems
- July 2023 – A three-year update as shown in the video above.
Tips To Avoid CopperCoat Problems
And make sure to read our article entitled: 7 CopperCoat Tips For A Successful Application
Any Questions or Feedback?
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I have read your comments with interest. I had a Sadler 29 located in Poole, Harbour, England.
In the mid-nineties I decided to try CopperCoat (or CopperBot as it was known as then) as I hated using normal antifouling, and the berth did have a big issue with fouling.
I applied this myself after sanding down to the gelcoat, using loads of acetone to make sure it was completely clean, applying a thin coat of ‘West Epoxy as base coat and then applying four very thin layers of coppercoat, Finally burnishing the last coat to expose the copper better.
I kept the boat for another 6 years, and all that was required was a lift out and a powerwash, and if I had time a quick re-burnish with a circular sander and 400 grit.
Loved the stuff, and the extra layers of epoxy also reduced the chances of blisters, which some laminates produced in the 1980 and earlier did suffer from.
I got great support from Wessex Resins and Adhesives, the supplier at the time, who did suggest the method I used as being the best way to apply it, yes it was labour intensive, but I was doing the work myself, not the yard.
Like most jobs, it is the preparation, which takes time (and money in some cases) that is key to obtaining a good job.
I have not worries about recommending CopperCoat, provided it is applied correctly.
Simon and Kim,
Thank you for sharing your CopperCoat experience from start to finish. I do believe it may wind up being one of the most helpful contributions to the sailing community. As we all look to make our impact on our oceans and seas as environmentally friendly as possible solutions to our everyday every day problems that cause no harm and also save time effort and funds are most desirable. Hopefully the company has instituted a training program for applicators to avoid these issues. Happy sailing
Phil Demaria
Thank you for the comments Phil. Our journey with CopperCoat was long, but hopefully, people will hear our message and make better decisions. Smiles, Kim