Imagine sailing the Bahamas. First, however, you have to get there. Ideally, you’ll want to experience the ocean shimmering under the warm sun, gentle trade winds filling your sails, and the exhilarating thrill of crossing the mighty Gulf Stream. Sailing to the Bahamas is a dream for many cruising sailors, a voyage that promises adventure,[Read More]
Anchor and Rode Checklist – #1 Best Sailor’s Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep
Anchoring is a fundamental skill for any sailor. Your anchor and rode are how you secure your boat, allowing you to relax and enjoy your time on the water. But for newcomers, the world of anchors and rode can seem daunting. This guide breaks down the essentials, providing an informative article and an easy-to-follow checklist[Read More]
Set Sail with Knowledge: The 19 Best Sailing Books for Cruisers
Embarking on a sailing adventure is a dream for many, but navigating the open waters requires more than just passion. Best sailing books offer knowledge, inspiration, and practical advice to help cruisers prepare for a safe and enjoyable voyage. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a novice, diving into the pages of these essential reads can significantly enhance your cruising[Read More]
Off Season Sailing Destination Checklist For Sailors
This off-season Sailing Destination Checklist is for sailors to use when deciding where to go in the off-season. Hurricanes are prominent in the Caribbean in the off-season, and in the Mediterranean, it’s the winter months when the Med is stormy. Choosing the right off-season destination is crucial. Storms/bad weather, logistics, local conditions, and the community vary[Read More]
Sailing Trip Planning Checklist
Check out our new Sailing Trip Planning Checklist! Preparing for the next sailing season NOW, during hurricane season, is a smart and productive use of time for sailing cruisers. While you’re hunkered down in Grenada, in the Americas, or somewhere in Mexico get to work so you’re ready to head out sailing soon! Below is[Read More]
A Boat Checklist: The Key to Successful Cruising
In need of a boat checklist? Are you new to sailing, afraid of making mistakes, or overwhelmed by the crazy learning curve of becoming a sailing cruiser? How much do you know versus what you don’t know? Do you have this nagging feeling that there are things you should be doing, but you don’t know[Read More]
Long Sailing Passage Preparation Checklist
In this Long Sailing Passage Preparation Checklist, you’ll find action items for safety and medical, communications, passage plans, provisioning, crew briefing/watch schedules/duties, and last-minute preparations. What is a long sailing passage? If you’re going in the open ocean and won’t be close to land I consider that a long passage even if it’s a few[Read More]
Marine And Boat Refrigeration Temperature
The secret to having a successful sailing cruising lifestyle is maintaining a routine of checks. Things break on a boat all the time when you first start out. Over time, however, you start to discover ways and means to prevent a majority of breakages – even checks concerning marine and boat refrigeration temperature come into[Read More]
Quickest & Easiest Man Overboard Procedure
When it comes to sailing and sailboats there are several different ways to do a variety of tasks. Some captains and sailing schools preach one method and others preach another. Your best bet is to understand the options and then choose the system, or way, that works best for you. How will you know what[Read More]
7 Steps To A Propeller Feathering Servicing
A feathering propeller needs to be serviced at least once a year. To do a full service the boat needs to be out of the water. Watch the video and then check out the 7 steps to servicing a feathering propeller (checklist) below.