We’ve had a long history of trying to get our CopperCoat antifoul to work. After paying an initial fee of well over $10,000 to get our boat sanded back to the gel coat and an application of the copper-based paint we discovered months later that the application did not work.
Our boat was full of barnacles. Fast-forward three years and over $10,000 more invested in antifoul paint. It looks as if our story might have a positive ending. Watch the video and read below for more.
CC Antifoul Application Video
Let’s back up on our story to when we first realized we had issues.
After complaining to the boatyard, Bennett Brothers, about our issues, CopperCoat USA then got involved to help sort things out. Instead of sorting the whole boat out the USA representative had the boatyard redo various patches on the hull. Needless to say, after sailing from the States to Trinidad, around 1700 miles, we were disappointed to find that all the patches that were redone had absolutely no barnacles but the rest of the boat was full of them. So…the new paint job worked but it only worked in small patches!
We then pulled the boat out in Trinidad. CC sent us the paint free of charge to have yet another application. To our utter disappointment when we put the boat back in the water it was worse than before. We knew that the product worked as the patches done under the supervision of CC USA worked.
Talk about frustrating.
Based on our experiences it seemed that boatyards and even the head of CC USA didn’t quite know what they were doing. Upon seeing our results, Aquarius Marine Coatings Ltd – the manufacturers of CC UK, contacted us and offered to once and for all solve the problem by sending a representative over.
Here are the links to all our Problem Videos:
To get an overview of all our CC videos and articles please visit: CopperCoatAntifouling Review Otherwise, get more in-depth information below.
- September 2016 – Our First Failed Application by Bennett Brothers in Wilmington, North Carolina. Watch here: CopperCoat Antifoul Failure
- September 2017 – An Update On Our CopperCoat Results One Year Later. It didn’t work! Get the full CopperCoat antifouling review story, up to this point, by reading Our CopperCoat Antifoul Problems
- October 2017 – CopperCoat USA & Bennet Brothers Work To Rectify Our Issues. To see our boat hauled out in Charleston and the USA representative from CopperCoat inspect the hull, watch our sailing Vlog episode that covers our CopperCoat antifouling review entitled: Liveaboard Life
- July 2018 – Haul Out In Trinidad & Tobago – All The Patches Were Barnacle Free But the Rest of the Boat was Full of Barnacles! To view our haul out in Trinidad and get more information about the second failed application, watch the second video on our Trinidad & Tobago Destinations section entitled Haul Out Trinidad & Tobago.
- August 2019 – Evidence of our Failed Peake’s Boatyard Application and Attempted Sanding Touch-up in Antigua. And September 2019 – Arrangements for CC UK To Come To Grenada. You can see both the August and September 2019 videos here: CopperCoat Antifouling Solution
- November 2019 – Our Third & Final CopperCoat Antifoul Application by Mr. CopperCoat Himself. Watch here: CopperCoat Application
- June 2020 – The Results Of Our Third Full CC Application Are…?!?!?! Find out here: CopperCoat Problems
Tips To Avoid CopperCoat Problems
And make sure to read our article entitled: 7 CopperCoat Tips For A Successful Application
Any questions or comments?
Please leave them below.
Hi Kim
Thak you verymuch for your E-mail.
My sympathy for the death of your grandfather. I hope for your sake that you get into the right Christmas mood. I have been following your channel with great interest for a long time.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and above all health.
Best regards
I Wisch you a Merry Christmas
and a Happy new year
Greetings Heinz Evers and wie !!!
Looks like Coppercoat swooped in just in time. It was nice speaking to you a few months ago and keep an eye on Sailing Zatara, we ended up coating their hull.
I did my hull with coppercoat in the UK, i rang them a few times to ask for advice, they were amazing and suggested the same thing i used skirt of damp proof plastic and balls of tape.
The result was amazing, you wipe / wash it at the end of the season and sand prior to going in at the start of the new season.
I LOVE coppercoat.
My experience of boatyards – worse than 2nd hand car salesmen. Do the work yourself.
Great advice 🙂